15 August 2012

Hello and welcome

Well hello there, thanks for dropping by! At the moment this website is pretty much a work-in-progress (bear with me as I actually get used to the idea of actually having a website), but if you've perhaps come across my writing elsewhere and would like to read or hear some more, it should hopefully point you in the right direction. I'm also going to use it as a means of charting the progress of my current novel, 'The Pocket-book Guide to Scottish Superheroes', which is currently at the painful enjoyable stage of redrafting. First draft done, now going back through it to make it readable. Six pages done on Monday, yay! Only about 327 to go...

But in fairness, I have been distracted by my impending appearance at Story Shop, this Friday, 17th August in the Edinburgh Book Festival Spiegletent. I'm very grateful to those lovely people at Edinburgh City of Lit for picking my story and have been along to some great readings so far. I'm hoping that the tips passed on by the formidable Alex Gillon at the Reading Masterclass boot camp kick in once I get behind that mic...we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Hello sister!! Wish I could have been at the tent to hear you read. Glad I found your blog and look forward to reading your work.
